jueves, 22 de enero de 2009


Release Notes

Version 1.1 released 2/8/2008.
  • Improved Opera compatibility
  • Fixed an issue that would cause crazy infinite zooming
  • Improves caption behavior in certain situations
  • Now returns any alt-clicks and command-clicks back to the browser, for standard behavior (open in new tab, etc.)


FancyZoom is totally free for your non-commercial website.

In a bit of an experiment: if your website is commercial (i.e. makes you money), you can license FancyZoom for $39 per site, a one-time fee. Instantly add nice image zooming to your site. Click here to instantly and securely buy a license.


I hope you and your websites enjoy FancyZoom. If you make any cool changes or improvements, let me know! And if you have awesome feedback, or find weird bugs, drop word in the comments.

PS: Yes, you can even hold shift when you click an image. The Apple tradition continues!

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